[REVIEW] Coastal Scents Step 1 Eye Primer

Hello, back again here beauty invaders,

Belum lama ini aku membeli eye primer dari online shop langganan aku: Makeupuccino! Eye primer yang aku beli dari merk Coastal Scent: Step 1 Eye Primer. Waktu aku beli ini, lagi ada diskon spesial dari Makeupuccino.. Hihi jadi aku belinya lebih murah.

Ok sekarang kita bahas tentang Coastal Scents ini yaaahh..

[REVIEW] * "Sweety Bee" Sugar Lip Scrub by Moporie in Lavender Mint

Hello Invaders,

Gurun Sahara itu memang indah, kan? Tapi ga banget deh kalau bibir kamu yang kayak Gurun Sahara alias keriiinnnggg cyyiinn... Hehehe. Nah, ini nih masalah yang sering aku hadapi ketika akan mengaplikasikan lipstik: bibir kering dan pecah-pecah. Sayangnya di Indonesia, belum banyak “lulur bibir” (can I say it like that? Is that even the word? LOL) yang beredar. Hehehe. Apa puuuulaaa ini aku bilangnya “lulur bibir”? Ya emang sih, lip scrubbing bisa juga dilakukan dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan yang DIY (do it yourself), tapi buatku yang ga sabaran, duh kayaknya ga deh buat DIY-DIY-an.//
Dryness may become a disaster to your smooch “apps”: your lips. I do feel that way everytime! I have super dry lips and pigmented one. The results? Crack and patchy all the way around, everytime I apply my lipstick. Unfortunately, there’s not much choice of local brand that I knew to help me in exfoliating them. Even I can make this exfoliation do through DIY project, but I don’t think I’ll do it every single time I need it.

[REVIEW] Estee Lauder Double Wear Lip Pencil

So, not so long ago, when attending an event of Estee Lauder’s, I put my eyes on this lips product. Knowing that I barely have this kind of lips product, so I wanted to know first the durability of this lip liner. In this post, I only will give you product swatch and my brief thought about how the product’s durability.