Winter and Spring - Holiday Make Up Collaboration

Dear All and Happy Holiday..

Saat ini saya dan beberapa teman sesama beauty blogger mengadakan kolaborasi make up yang sesuai dengan tema liburan akhir tahun dan awal tahun.. Yak, tema yang dipilih adalah Winter dan Spring. Kami memilih tema ini karena dirasa pas sesuai dengan kondisi wilayah 4 musim. Desember ini merupakan momen yang pas dengan musim dingin dan tahun baru nanti, Januari 2015, merupakan awal-awal musim semi tiba. Kira-kira, aku pilih yang mana ya? Spring atau Winter?? //
Me and some beauty bloggers gathered and decided to make another collaboration about seasonal greetings. Yess, definitely to celebrate the holiday season at the moment. The theme which were chose: Winter and Spring, obviously because it's the right moment according to 4 seasons countries out there (even though Indonesia doesn't have Winter. Hehe). Then, which one would I choose?

[caption id="attachment_2204" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Winter and Spring - Holiday Make Up Collaboration Winter and Spring - Holiday Make Up Collaboration[/caption]

Berhubung saya belum pernah merasakan musim dingin sama sekali, maka saya memutuskan untuk menjadikan Winter sebagai tema make up saya kali ini. Walaupun sejujurnya saya belum terlalu menguasai make up dengan teknik special effect seperti ini, tapi inilah yang terbaik yang bisa saya sajikan.//
In accordance to the fact that Indonesia doesn't have Winter season and obviously that I never feel how Winter is, I decided to make Winter as my theme to this collaboration. Although I may not be able to do this kind of special effects make up well, but this was the best that I could.

[caption id="attachment_2207" align="aligncenter" width="720"]Fia's Winter Make Up for Holiday Make Up Collaboration Fia's Winter Make Up for Holiday Make Up Collaboration[/caption]

Fia's Winter Make Up for Holiday Make Up Collaboration

Fia's Winter Make Up for Holiday Make Up Collaboration

Fia's Winter Make Up for Holiday Make Up Collaboration

Eits, tapi jangan khawatir! Meski saya memilih Winter sebagai tema kolaborasi, namun saya juga menyempatkan diri untuk membuat Spring sehingga postingan saya kali ini akan imbang antara Winter dan Spring.//
But wait, even I chose Winter as my make up theme to this collaboration, I also made Spring make up to balance out my blog post this time! I got you covered, girls!! :D :D

Fia's Spring Make Up for Holiday Make Up Collaboration

Fia's Spring Make Up for Holiday Make Up Collaboration

Fia's Spring Make Up for Holiday Make Up Collaboration

Jadi gimana menurut kalian? Jangan lupa kritik dan saran di kolom komentar ya.... Sampai jumpa di post berikutnya?? //
So, what do you think of it all? Don't forget to comment! Constructive critics are always open! See you on the next post!! :)

Fia's Winter and Spring Collaged

Lihat juga kreasi lainnya.. // See another blogger's creation:

Lina || Irene || Auzola || Putri || Meilinda || Yanti

Anggie || Hani Nur || Esy || Edelyne || Wulan || Imelda || Rere
