[REVIEW] * The Soap Corner by Moporie - Liquid Soap in Unscented and Head To Toe Best Friend Soap

Hello Invaders,

Kembali lagi di Senin ceria ini yang sangaaaattt dekat dengan liburan! YAY! Aku senang liburaaaannn!! (sapa sih yang gak senang? hahaha). //
Back again to this Monday which closes to holiday! YAY! I'm so excited of having holiday!!

[caption id="attachment_2183" align="aligncenter" width="600"]The Soap Corner by Moporie Liquid Soap The Soap Corner by Moporie Liquid Soap[/caption]

Kali ini aku akan berbagi ulasan mengenai sabun cair dari The Soap Corner by Moporie dalam varian Castile Unscented dan Head To Toe Best Friend Soap. Mungkin kalian masih ingat ya kalau Moporie ini adalah salah satu sponsor dalam pelaksanaan Beauty Blogger Meet Up yang pertama. Dan Moporie juga memberikan kedua sabun cair ini untuk kita para pesertanya agar kita bisa ikut mencoba produknya. //
Here, I'm gonna tell you about my take on the review of Liquid Soap in Unscented and Head To Toe Best Friend Soap from The Soap Corner by Moporie. Let me tell you a little that Moporie was the one who sponsored the held of the First Beauty Blogger Meet Up which you can read the report here, and they got us these babies as well so we can try ourselves.

Baiklah, kita langsung cabs aja yuk, baca review dari aku... //
Alright enough babbling around now let's go to the main purpose...


Brand: The Soap Corner by Moporie
Product Line: Liquid Soap
Product Name: Unscented and Head to Toe Best Friend Soap
Content : @250ml
Price: Rp90,000 (Castile Unscented Liquid Soap); Rp70,000 (Head to Toe Best Friend Soap) // Less than US$10 for each.



Product Claim: Our Castile Soap which is mostly consists of olive oil could moisturize and gently clean your skin. It is very safe to use even for your baby and mature skin. This Castile soap also could be used as shampoo and face soap as well.
Castile soap is very recommended for customer with dry or sensitive skin. It also known to relieve the symptoms of skin diseases such as eczema. With 75% of Olive Oil.

[caption id="attachment_2185" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Castille Unscented Soap from The Soap Corner by Moporie Castille Unscented Soap from The Soap Corner by Moporie[/caption]

a. Kemasan/Packaging:

- Botol plastik transparan dengan isi 250ml // 250ml transparent plastic bottle.
- Tutup flip top // Flip top closure.
- Praktis // Travel friendly

b. Tekstur dan Aroma // Texture and Scent

Teksturnya seperti gel dengan busa yang sedikit dengan warna kuning transparan. Tidak memiliki aroma meskipun begitu aku tetap mencium ada aroma seperti plastik. Apa mungkin itu pengaruh dari kemasannya aku kurang tahu juga // A yellow transparent gel like texture with small amount of bubble. No scent is added obviously because it is Unscented but I do notice some scent like a plastic scent (?).

[caption id="attachment_2190" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Castille Unscented Liquid Soap Texture Castile Unscented Liquid Soap Texture[/caption]

c. Tingkat Membersihkan // Cleansing Power

Pada saat mencobanya, lumayan bersih untuk membersihkan badan. Aku suka membawa ini pada saat berpergian karena praktis. Namun ada sensasi yang aku tidak suka. Sensasi ini aku rasakan karena sabun ini tidak menghasilkan banyak busa. Sehingga meninggalkan kesan aku mandinya gak bersih, walaupun ya badan sudah bersih. Sabun ini cocok buat kamu yang gak suka mandi lama-lama karena buat kulit aku, aku jadi berasa harus cepet-cepet ngebilas. Cocok juga buat kita yang sedang berpergian ke tempat wisata dengan jadwal padat. Waktu itu aku bawa ini untuk liburan ke Bali. Ya, maksudku, siapa juga sih liburannya malah dihabiskan di kamar mandi? Maunya kan,, langsung get set, ready and gooo! Untuk fungsinya sebagai sabun muka aku sendiri belum coba dan sepertinya tidak mau coba karena takut ga cocok karena akhir-akhir ini kulit muka aku agak sensi sehingga aku gak berani coba-coba produk yang tidak biasanya aku pakai.//

[caption id="attachment_2191" align="alignnone" width="600"]Castile Unscented Liquid Soap bubble Castile Unscented Liquid Soap bubble[/caption]

At the moment of me trying this soap, the cleansing power is good enough. I like to bring this soap when I go traveling because it is surely cabin approved and doesn't take space in your bath supplies pouch. Only, there's a sensation that I don't like about this soap. This sensation is caused by the fact that the soap doesn't give a rich bubble no matter how hard I rub my body with it. The sensation that it left was I took a bath roughly so I didn't feel my body was cleansed although the fact said it was clean. This soap is perfect to any whom doesn't like to take more time to shower as well as the one who travels as it is practical enough to be brought.I mean, who needs more extra time to take shower during holiday while you can use that extra time to go places during your holiday travel? Surprisingly, it also has the function as facial wash but I myself didn't want to try it out as my face has been so sensitive lately. So, I didn't want to make it worse by trying something that my face isn't familiar of.


Product Claim: Our all-in-one and very simple product is Head to Toe Liquid Soap. You don’t need to bring several kind of bottle for your soap, shampoo, face soap, body soap, hand soap, etc. Head to Toe Soap will spoil your body from head to toe literally. It could be used for body soap, hair shampoo and face soap.
One of Head to Toe Soap main ingredients is Goat Milk and we only use organic goat milk. So you don’t have to worry to use this soap although you have reactions to allergies.

[caption id="attachment_2187" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Head To Toe Best Friend Soap from The Soap Corner by Moporie Head To Toe Best Friend Soap from The Soap Corner by Moporie[/caption]

a. Kemasan/Packaging:

- Botol plastik transparan dengan isi 250ml // 250ml transparent plastic bottle.
- Tutup flip top // Flip top closure.
- Praktis // Travel friendly
- Melembabkan // Moisten

b. Tekstur dan Aroma // Texture and Scent

Teksturnya cair, tidak seperti Castile Unscented Soap, dengan warna coklat transparan. Sabun ini menghasilkan busa yang lebih sedikit dari Castile Unscented Soap. Mungkin karena selama ini kita menggunakan sabun dengan busa yang kaya walaupun penggunaannya sedikit kali ya. Yang jelas sabun-sabun ini memberikan sensasi yang berbeda sekali. Untuk aromanya, walau tidak tertulis bahwa ini tidak beraroma, namun aroma yang dikeluarkan tetap ada hanya saja tidak kuat. Setelah mandi pun, aromanya hilang. Namun aku tidak bisa menjelaskan ini aroma apa. //
A transparent brown liquid soap with the more loose texture than Castile Unscented Soap. The soap provides a lesser amount of bubbles. Despite the fact that the soap is not supposedly to be unscented but I do notice a soft unexplainable scent that will fade after shower.

[caption id="attachment_2188" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Head To Toe Nest Friend Soap Texture Head To Toe Best Friend Soap Texture[/caption]

c. Tingkat Membersihkan // Cleansing Power

Sama halnya dengan Castile Unscented Soap, sabun ini tetap memberikan sensasi mandi yang gak bersih karena busa yang dihasilkan tidaklah banyak. Namun ya memang faktanya badan sudah bersih. Jika dibandingkan dengan Castile Unscented Soap, sabun ini malah lebih praktis lagi karena dia mampu memberikan aksi ganda: sebagai sabun badan dan sampo. Bener-bener amat sangat travel friendly! Kamu ga perlu bawa sampo lho! Cocok banget buat kamu yang gak suka ribet-ribetan. Kalau untuk tingkat membersihkan sebagai sampo, cukup bagus. Walau aku tidak mencobanya sendiri (maklum rambut panjang, jadi kayaknya bakal habis 1 botol sendiri buatku nanti, hehehehe.), namun aku coba ke suami aku. So far dia merasa aman-aman aja. Selain itu juga bisa dipakai untuk cuci tangan juga cuci muka. //

[caption id="attachment_2189" align="alignnone" width="600"]Head To Toe Best Friend Soap bubble Head To Toe Best Friend Soap bubble[/caption]

The same goes to this soap as Castile Unscented Soap. The soap gives a not clean feeling despite the fact that yes my body has been cleaned and it is clean! Compared to Castille Unscented Soap, the soap is way more practical because it acts as double agent: body soap and shampoo. For its function as a shampoo, the cleansing result id quite good. I tried it to my husband and he was feeling OK after the shower. No, not tried on me because I have long hair and really I would take the whole bottle if did so. Hehehe.


Pro (s)
- Praktis // Travel Friendly
- Tidak makan tempat // Space safe
- Botol plastik yang ringan // light weight
- Multifungsi // Multifunction
- Melembabkan // Moisten the skin
- Tidak mengandung SLS, Paraben dan Pengawet // NO SLS, Paraben & Preservatives

Con (s)
- Sensasi setelah mandi yang kurang aku sukai // I dislike the after shower sensation
- Mahal untuk 250ml // Expensive for the content of 250ml.

Nah, gimana dengan kamu? Ada yang pernah coba produk ini kah sebelumnya? Share di kolom komentar ya..
How about you? Have you ever bought this or tried this one? Just share me in the comment.

RATE : 3,5 out of 5.


Produk ini merupakan produk sponsor/endorsement dari MOPORIE sebagai sponsor dari acara Beauty Bloggers Meet Up yang pertama. Baca lebih lanjut mengenai sponsor dan endorsement di sini.//
This product was given by MOPORIE as the sponsor of First Beauty Bloggers Meet Up. Read more here about my terms & condition of sponsorship and endorsement.

Produk ini bisa dibeli di situs MOPORIE. Silahkan "ikuti" atau "sukai" akun sosial media MOPORIE di bawah ini://
This product can be purchased at MOPORIE's webpage. Please also like and follow all MOPORIE social medias below:

[caption id="attachment_2160" align="aligncenter" width="424"]Source: Moporie Webpage Source: Moporie Webpage[/caption]

