Luxola Online Shopping in September - September Haul? I hope this post isn't kindda a late bloomer. LOL. OK, I've been knowing Luxola for a while until I gather my self to decide getting my chance to online buying from here at the end of September. Well, I have the reason for that. Tehee~~
Luxola is one of the most favorite online shop these days amongst beauty junkie I know. It provides brands from around the world. Luxola has changed to dot co dot id ( not so long ago. It is headquartered at Singapore but recently had open the office in Indonesia.

By September 24th 2014, Luxola gave the promotional code "INDO200" for all the buyers around Indonesia without any limited purchase amount. You know, Luxola was seldom giving out the discount more than 20%. Even so, to get a free shipping cost, the total amount within check out time must be more than IDR100,000 otherwise the buyer will get another IDR100,000 to add to the total amount. So, it was kindda tricky for me as I only put my eyes on Ecotools multitasking face brush. The original price of this Ecotools multitasking face brush was IDR180,000. It meant that I had to make another purchase to get the minimum IDR100,001 (really?) at the check out time (after the promotional code) to avoid the shipping cost (because Luxola said the minimum purchase must be more than IDR100,000, LOL, and by adding 1, it means "more than", right?). After several calculation (ehm a lil bit tight budget in the end of the month.. :p ) I decided to make another purchase on Borjois Record Liner Waterproof 48hrs in #13 Violet Preppy. It was originally cost by IDR133,000. So the origin amount of my purchase should be IDR313,000 before promotional code.

The funny thing was, when I got the email confirmation about my order and certain ways of paying it, within 30 minutes, I had it done, paid by transferring the sum amount to one of the Luxola's accounts. Then I got a notification that I had to confirm the order through website. When I went to Luxola and clicked the "Confirm Order" after several information columns to be filled what I got was my payment was rejected and failed and the order was automatically cancelled and I needed to re-order. Wth!
This made me a little bit upset. The thing was I got traumatic moment. I have ever shopped at one of the international online shops (not Luxola) and paid my order through credit card. The result was the online shops couldn't fulfill the process because my order was out of stock (so what's the purpose they didn't put "not available" or "out of stock?"). I followed up them by sending emails but the responses were not pleasant enough! Not good customer service.. That's why I was little bit freaking out (??) to try Luxola and what I was afraid of then happened.

I sent email to Luxola, not keen on calling by phone though, but no response at all..! Even so, I did hope for the shipment to be done within the week or so, because I saw some beauty bloggers who also used the same promotional code got their hands on product they bought at Luxola within the same week they ordered. Finally by September 29, 2014 I got email from Luxola telling me that my order had been in the process of shipment through Aramex courier.
It was surprised me considering that not even a single word sent to me as a reply to my complaint email. Not until today. Frankly speaking, I don't like something with no good customer service. More over if the customer was neglected. There must be a reason why communication becomes important, doesn't it?

But yeah, case closed by the arriving of my order. The order came with a paper bag. So when I received it from the delivery man, it felt like I did a shop from offline shop. Overall, thanks Luxola for giving such generous discount and I hope Luxola can improve their customer service because Luxola is too good to be missed! Until now, there's still more promos in their website. You better check it out.
So those are my haul for the whole September. LOL. I mean, seriously? Only two pieces? The most less thing amongst my haul this time. But it's OK. Until then, see you around!
Duuuh aku juga gagal gitu, barang belum nyampe -____-
BalasHapusHuah? Seriously?? Aq jg pny perasaan yg sama pas kejadian belanja yg ini. Apalagi itu lho, ga ada feedback dr customer servicenya bgt. Aq uda beberapa x kok online shopping di website e-commerce tp respons-nya cpt. Setidaknya 2x24 jam msh wajar. Km uda coba tlp?
BalasHapusBeen seeing bloggers purchasing from Luxola.