Hello Sugar Babies...
Who doesn't love to groom the brows? Well, hehehe, I think everybody does! Eyebrows are the frame of the face so it definitely will beautify you or.... do the opposite thing. LOL. Ok, let's get started to know this brow product!
Who doesn't know SilkyGirl? Gita Gutawa is the one who's in the commercial! Hehehe. Well, SilkyGirl is a cosmetics brand from Malaysia and comes with affordable and reasonable price tag. The eyebrow product? Hmm, I love it.
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Having well-groomed brows help to frame your face. You can rely on Natural Brow Pencil to give your eyebrows a freshly-groomed look. This pencil shades on smoothly to create a natural look.
Easy to use
Smooth application
Natural finish
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SilkyGirl Natural Brow Pencil comes with: a traditional pencil with clear cap and sealed with clear plastic. That's it! Very simple packaging. No fancy stuff. No box. And because it is shaped as a traditional pencil so you need to resharpen it prior using.
The texture of a standard brow pencil? Yes it is. Just, it doesn't too smooth or too hard. The consistency of the pencil is OK. It doesn't give a hard time when you draw your brows Even if you want to draw thin you brows just to give a little bit of full brows illusion.
The formula is good. I don't find it's chalky upon application. All you get is an even color in every stroke you made.
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For this kind of traditional brows pencil, SilkyGirl provides two colors: Soft Black and Dark Brown which I have tried them both. But the color that I discuss here is Dark Brown. It has a true brown actually not really a dark one as I see in other brand's brows pencil. I don't think it has a reddish undertone in it.
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When I talk about the pigmentation, I don't refer it to something that is opaque. Because we don't want our brows look like it really was drawn. But this one, I just feel it like it was OK. Nothing too be worried that in the end you'll look like having a thick and bushy brows. The result is natural enough.
The price, I don't really know since SilkyGirl gave it to me as the goodie bag and the other color that I bought is the one that I bought another year ago so I can't remember it. But, when I do check in some beauty shops and SilkyGirl counters, it costs around Rp20,000. Pretty much affordable for daily use.
I like this product. I count on this product. And every single time I need to draw my brows, this is the one which I always look for, and grab it, and draw with it. The color is good enough though it doesn't represent the "dark brown" as it was stated in the pencil. The color is some kind of in the middle, so lets just say it's a Medium Brown.
It does give the look of natural brows. I like the fact this comes out as medium brown because I don't find it too tricky to be used. Just like a normal pressure and I still get that natural brows look. Not the ones that are looking like a thick and bushy brows. It also doesn't fade easily which is also a plus thing because I don't need to always check out my brows to the mirror afraid that it will be looking uneven color between the brows. It's very recommended by me if you look something that will give you a natural look.
~ (^_^) ~
All in all, it's a wrap. Thank you for reading my blog and if anything, just write down your comments below! XOXO ~~
Nyari stocknya ini susah banget di Surabaya. Adanya yang black. Ternyata ga segelap yang kubayangin. Pengen yang lebih gelap lagi coklatnya..
BalasHapusGara-gara out of stock, akhirnya nyoba merk sebelah eh coklatnya malah kemudaan.. >_<
Masih berpetualang mencari eyebrow yang pas
saya kayknya punya deh yang ini sayang jarang dipakai. thank u reviewnya ya ;)
BalasHapusWah aku kok selalu gagal ya sama eyeliner coklat. kulit mukaku g putih2 banget. malah jadi kusem kayak mata capek gitu :(
BalasHapusHihihi, ini eyebrow product sis. Bukan buat eyeliner. :) BTW, thanks ya sudah mampir.. :)
BalasHapusPake donk, sis. Hihihi, bagus kok ini.. :) Sama2.. HTH!